Gifts in Honor or In Memory
A contribution to KidSafe in honor or in memory of someone brings special meaning to your gift. We will send a card to those you designate to receive notice of your honor or memorial gift. To make a gift in someone's honor, please include the name and address of that person. To make a gift in someone's memory, please include the name and address of any individual(s), friends, family members or colleagues you would like us to notify.
Gifts of Stock and Securities
By giving appreciated stock directly to KidSafe Collaborative, you may avoid capital gains taxes and also receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift. Gifts of appreciated stock generally offer a greater tax benefit than cash. It is important to check with your attorney or financial advisor in any gift planning to make sure that you are choosing the best way to achieve your personal and charitable goals.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Your company may have a matching gift program, which can double or even triple your donation to KidSafe. Talk to the human resources department where you work to find out about your company's matching gift program.